Where Big Dogs love Their Food

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What Do The Meals Plans Contain

2 servings a day that contain a main protein of your your choice these are (Beef, fish, chicken, pork, etc.) as well as vegetables, fruits, grains and wheats as well as other items such as (eggs, yogurt, peanut butter and etc.)

Home Cooked

All of are food is home cooked and all of are food it cooked thoroughly the only food that is not cooked is fruits and certain vegetables

Some Dog Diet Advice

After buying the meal make sure to slowly integrate the meal plan into your dog's current diet before completely switching over, because completely switching instantly over cold turkey style can lead to stomach problems for your dog and messes you don't want to clean up.

Any Questions or Concerns

Do not hesitate to contact us or look over the questions and answers in the bottom right hand comer of your screen.